Al Brinson's Memorial Service
Memorial Service at Silver Lake

A younger Al

Al's family and
neighbors arrive for the memorial service.

Al's nephew,
Anthony, leads the group in an opening prayer.

Ralph Green
recalls his long friendship with Al.

Al's sister,
Joyce, on the left.

Cathy and Tony
listen to the remarks of the speakers. On the table a photo of a younger
Al is next to the final trophey that Al won.

Cathy responds
to a story about Al.

Ron Cerelli
recalls Al's helpful nature.

Al's wife, Cathy
thanks everyone for attending.

Those present bow
their head in respect for our dear friend, Al Brinson.

Dean Vernon and
Ralph Green show their emotions remembering Al.

Al as we knew
him in The Villages.

Tom Fetherling
starts the memorial by introducing Al's nephew.

Anthony's son
and Al's wife Cathy.

Ralph gets
choked up remembering his love for Al.

Russ Sinacore
presents Cathy with the proceeds of the fund raiser.

Tom McInerney
speaks about his memories of Al.

Paul Davidson is
introduced by Tom Fetherling.

Brownie is too
emotional to get up and speak, but he recalls his longtime friend, Al.

Al's nephew,
Anthony, who is a preacher offers a benediction.

Everyone bows
their head in prayer for Al.

At the end of
the memorial those present expressed their condolences to Al's wife Cathy.